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Berkley Software Distribution (BSD) is a UNIX-like system used as base OS for firewall distributions like pfsense or OPNsens.

User management

Command Description
w Shows all logged users and what they are doing
logins -a List user with details
logins -l [user] Get user details
Command Description
pw lock [user] Lock user
chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin [user] Lock user shell
pw unlock [user] Unlock user
Command Description
pw useradd -n [user] -s /bin/csh Adding user
pw useradd -n [user] -s /bin/csh -m Adding user with home directory
passwd [user] Change user password
pw userdel [user] Delete user
pw userdel [user] -r Delete user and home directory


Time management
Command Description
tzsetup Setup timezone

Importants files

Files Description
/etc/master.passwd Textual database for admins users
/etc/passwd Textual database for normal users